lyrics magnemX2©2010

LOVE ME IN 3D / I'm on a dead end road a roto road / flat world / I'm surfing the alpha channels / of our last remains / losing your definition in the gray scale of a sunset / empty body empty shell walking in a painted set / you're fading blurred silhouette / Your many faces distorted / I deselect your parts / I'll duplicate your frame if you drop mine if you drop mine / Love me in 3D love me in RGB / Rove over time expand in my time line / Multiply our memories let's remap the past /  Time warps and artifacts / linger in my nights / I'll track you down through the corrupted files / discarded memory / read only read only / Frozen frames nicely stacked waiting on the render queue / I would avoid the crash if I could If I were you / Spleen spills over the scene / The slick degrain of my life pixelates at time / You're a smart operator / Love is a many layered thing / Love me in 3D / Saturate me saturate me / love me in RGB / Random Access Me /

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