lyrics magnemX2©2010
AIRPLANE / I found the remains of the airplane / Wings dislocated like shoulders / bolts and nuts asleep on the broken gears / I didn't touch them / I wanted to tell you / that we had overcome the bad mechanisms overtaken the flight put gravity aside aside / He doesn't care he doesn't care / and the translation box doesn't follow my pain my words my lines / He then leaves in a rush further away I lose him in a crowd / Don't make a sound / you're orating again you spread your wings of Saint / I like you when you limp my beautiful scarecrow / My beautiful scarecrow / I will bury myself in the depression of your open rib cage / I will bite your nipples / Speak to me speak to me / I'm on the edge of the void / My foundations are loose / My equilibrium is gone is gone / Speak to me speak to me I'm on the edge / The long free dive brings you back to my shore a few yards away / Tell me beautiful beast / where you spend your nights when the currents release you from my tides / Tell me beautiful beast where you spend your nights / I listen to the voice that took me so much time to unlearn / I listen to the whispers / to the rains of your native land / to the rains / My equilibrium is gone is gone /

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