lyrics magnemX2©2010

LOOK AT ME / You shouldn't trust the things I say / the written words they lie / They hang in the air they rebound on my scales / they're flipping head to tail / I play / You were telling me about things to do I wasn't listening / of course / Can we start again can we start over now / I will not run I promise / landscape is beautiful here but I 'm not moving fast / I'm standing still stuck in a rut / Look at me regarde moi regarde moi look at me / I follow your steps I put my feet where you've opened the path / I avoid ditches pitfalls / water and air / sky and sea creatures / what do you do with them? / I don't know i don't know i don't know / I drown and I gag them I envy them / I drown and I gag them I envy them / Look at me regarde moi regarde moi look at me / I follow your steps I put my feet where you've opened the path / I avoid ditches pitfalls / "What are you ?…You should be women!" / "What are you ?…You should be women!" / shouldn't you /

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