lyrics magnemX2©2010

THE DRUMS / Come to me now / Come to me through the night shields / Come with the surf / don't make a sound / Come with the light and the waves and the sea / Ocean rocks on the graves / Rocks and sand and sand and sea / Everything must go he said / They're all there look at them / they're all there around me / Look at them run Achilles in nikes / Achilles in nikes / Drums over the tidal waves / Rolling into town / Breaking your graves  / drums over the tidal waves / The shadow of the shadow of the man / come to me / come to me through the night shields / Come with the surf don't make a sound / Come with the light and the waves and the sea / Come to me me / Ocean rocks on the graves / Rocks and sand sand and sea / Everything must go he said / Everything must go  / Liquid sky leaded waters / Leaded sky liquid matters / Many shades of grey he says / Drums over the tidal waves / rolling into town /

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