
Stills from Cellular Streams installation

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From aerial photography to the fractal trajectories of birds taking wing, the alchemical mathematics of the human genome and the majesty of sacred geometry, the symphonics of computer code and the fundamentals of design -- the human mind is tireless in its quest to recognize resonance of the micro and macro principles that organize our world.

Andy Bauch-Nicholas Bonamy-Lorraine Bubar-Eliza Day-Green-Annabelle Del Valle-Dani Dodge-Danielle Eubank

Alex Gonzalez-Daniel Leighton-Marianne Magne-Susan Melly-Osceola Refetoff-Maria Serrano-Sarah Stone-Johnny Taylor

Flight Patterns - Gallery Opening @ Art Share L.A.https://www.facebook.com/events/1668746210048119/?ref=1&action_history=%5B%7B%22surface%22%3A%22permalink%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5Dshapeimage_5_link_0

Opening  reception : Saturday July 9, 2016                                                                                     7  - 10 pm

801 E 4th Pl, Los Angeles, California 90013


Feral Strands                                                                     Marianne Magne

PAST 2016


Closing  reception : Saturday July 9, 2016                                                                                          6 - 11pm  

140 Center Steet, El Segundo, California

Artist talk from 7-9 pm

Closing reception and artists talk with over 10 artists panel. Genie Davis and co-curator Tricia Banh will be moderators.

Sunday, May 15, 2016                                                                                                                    11am  - 6 pm

I’ll be showing some claws at Letellier Studio, 6th Street and Indiana Court

L'Inqualifiable is online:


Philippe Liotard lance "L'Inqualifiable".  "Chantiers du corps et corps en chantiers", nucleus hybride et décapant.

Le pot-au-feu de dieu me cuit à petit feu     Marianne Magne

August 2016:


Online Exhibit and Interview in Corridor Elephant  Magazine                                                   

“I Get Nervous at Times”        go to https://vimeo.com/150548438

to view my videos selected for the FemmesFest PERFORMATIVITY screening@ LACE :

“Phantom Limbs”                    go to: : https://vimeo.com/140366583


curated by Michol Hebron